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Get simple, easy to understand Tech Lessons in this educational series from Ava Boudi, Owner of Avahosting Internet Solutions, and Busy-Mom.com […]
Get simple, easy to understand Tech Lessons in this educational series from Ava Boudi, Owner of Avahosting Internet Solutions, and Busy-Mom.com […]
In my experience as a single mother, as well as a small business owner and entrepreneur – or as I like to call myself, a mompreneur – I have found that owning and operating a business is a lot like raising a
child: it takes patience and persistence, as well as love and dedication, and my job is never done. […]
“No, I’m not going to agree to that!”
“Well I’m not going to agree with what you want to do either!”
Does this type of conversation sound familiar? Have you been involved in a war of words or ways? Perhaps you have found yourself facing one or many of these types of conflicts: personal, emotional, work-related, political, racial, socio-economic, physical, or spiritual. […]
It takes time to get over auto anxiety, but any woman can become car smart as long as she is open minded and patient with the learning process. […]
There are many ways to avoid cancers of any kind including breast cancer. Look after your health and wellbeing by eating a clean diet, avoiding toxins, taming emotional reactions and practising relaxation. This helps your own immune system to keep your body clean and healthy and may help you to avoid diseases of all kinds. […]
Oftentimes, I find myself working backwards. Here I am once again, taking the tricky route, the loopy lane. Education has always been important to me, even as a small child. Academia inspires me and calls […]
Running a business can be challenging enough, but when you are a mom it doubles—no triples the whole affair. So how can mompreneurs survive? Let’s look at one of the most important things you absolutely must do to keep your sanity and your business intact. Setting boundaries. […]
Halloween can cause a lot of anxiety for parents, especially those of young children. But with a few precautions, you can make Halloween a fun treat for you and your kids. […]
Back in February 1994 there appeared in Gourmet Magazine a recipe for chicken and dumplings. It’s a hearty, flavorful dish. […]
Now that the New Year is officially upon us, many of us have started a diet plan and begun a new fitness program. With all this excitement to commence our quest for a “NEW YEAR/ NEW YOU,” many of us have neglected to take the time and define our starting point. […]
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