Business Moms
Announcing the Busy Mom Fashion and Home Decor line!
Announcing a new fashionable yet practical clothing line launching in October 2021 by Multi -Media Busy Mom entrepreneur Ava Boudi. [...]
When we Truly enjoy and Appreciate lifes small gifts; much greater Blessings will soon be headed our way. . Today I invite YOU to challenge yourSelf to BE Truly Thankful for all that surrounds YOU… for all that happens to and through YOU. By so doing, YOU give Gratitude the opportunity to Empower YOU! […]
World premier of the new AvaHosting Internet Solutions video! Check it out and post your thoughts and suggestions, it’s only a minute long ? […]
Referrals, we all know, are the absolute best way to find new customers. Amass a great number of referrals. Nevertheless, the act of asking for a referral is not a comfortable thing to do for most business owners. It is more likely that a customer who has been referred to us will employ our services or purchase our products within 90 days than a ‘cold customer’ who has come from an outside source. Discover seven easy and unobtrusive ways to grow your customer base.
A lot of unwanted messages get into your inbox when you order a product or subscribe to a mailing list. The company automatically signs you up to receive unwanted marketing or shares your information with an advertiser.(See our previous article on Spam) […]
Get simple, easy to understand Tech Lessons in this educational series from Ava Boudi, Owner of Avahosting Internet Solutions, and Busy-Mom.com […]
Get simple, easy to understand Tech Lessons in this educational series from Ava Boudi, Owner of Avahosting Internet Solutions, and Busy-Mom.com […]
In my experience as a single mother, as well as a small business owner and entrepreneur – or as I like to call myself, a mompreneur – I have found that owning and operating a business is a lot like raising a
child: it takes patience and persistence, as well as love and dedication, and my job is never done. […]
Get simple, easy to understand Tech Lessons in this educational series from Ava Boudi, Owner of Avahosting Internet Solutions, and Busy-Mom.com […]
Announcing the Busy Mom Fashion and Home Decor line!
Get to know the brain of your vehicle
The costs of saying I do: A mature woman point of view
Working life with a disability
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Created by Avahosting Internet Solutions!