Medical Articles

The New Single Mom – Cesarean Section and Postpartum
Becoming a parent is commonly imagined to be a joyful and “natural” life event. You should be mature enough to raise a child, it takes a village to raise them. This is especially true for a single mom. I have moments where I falter between excitement and fear. So, here’s how I coped and am still surviving in this vital new role of my life. This is my story. […]

This Week is National Influenza Vaccination Week: December 4-10
Who should get a Flu shot? Find out in this article! […]

How to know if your child is doing drugs
It’s not just drug dealers that make it available, our own medicine cabinets can be a source to get drugs. Today, doctors are prescribing FDA-approved drugs at an alarming rate, creating a generation of addicted people and that does include our children. So what can we do as parents to help navigate our children through this drug epidemic in this crucial time? […]

Healing Emotional Trauma
There is mounting evidence through research and findings that our minds can actually heal our bodies. How does it know what to do? How does it know to breathe automatically and repair and fight off bacteria and viruses? The brain runs the body but the mind influences the brain. We can change our brain function through mind control. […]

Prevent breast cancer: Make self care your priority
There are many ways to avoid cancers of any kind including breast cancer. Look after your health and wellbeing by eating a clean diet, avoiding toxins, taming emotional reactions and practising relaxation. This helps your own immune system to keep your body clean and healthy and may help you to avoid diseases of all kinds. […]

All About The Baseline!
Now that the New Year is officially upon us, many of us have started a diet plan and begun a new fitness program. With all this excitement to commence our quest for a “NEW YEAR/ NEW YOU,” many of us have neglected to take the time and define our starting point. […]

Keeping Track to Stay On Track
How are you doing with your fitness resolutions? If you haven’t even gotten started, don’t worry. It’s never too late to begin that fitness journey and this is a great tip to help you get organized before you get started. […]