Fall photo of gratitude
Family Articles

Gratitude Empowers Us!

November 1, 2020 Rhonda Farrah 0

When we Truly enjoy and Appreciate lifes small gifts; much greater Blessings will soon be headed our way. . Today I invite YOU to challenge yourSelf to BE Truly Thankful for all that surrounds YOU… for all that happens to and through YOU. By so doing, YOU give Gratitude the opportunity to Empower YOU! […]

Home Page Slider

Fear is an essential feeling for moving forward

October 1, 2020 Lauri Schoenfeld 0

Getting back up when your fears are screaming at you to stay down is paralyzing. For thirty
years, I called this my life, and I was done with feeling stuck. When you’re in the moment of it,
what do you do to support your feelings in a healthy and constructive way? […]

protecting herself from abuse
Domestic Violence


September 3, 2020 Sylvia Cooper 0

When a victim finally gets the courage to free themselves from abuse, it takes some planning and most times help. The time that a victim decides to leave, its the start of a journey from victim to survivor. To navigate into the society one needs to be fully equipped with necessary documents and some form of protection in order to feel safe […]

Mommy Time


July 30, 2020 Sylvia Cooper 10

The worst question that anyone can ask a domestic violence victim is, “Why can’t you leave? It is very confusing to most people why domestic violence victims put up with abuse. It is not apparent to people looking in from outside, especially if they have never been involved in an abusive relationship to understand why victims stay. There is a vast number of reasons why victims stay and the most dangerous time for a victim is when they try to leave their abuser. […]

Pregnanct mom with ultrasound photo
Family Articles

The New Single Mom – Cesarean Section and Postpartum

June 29, 2020 Angela Mendez 1

Becoming a parent is commonly imagined to be a joyful and “natural” life event.  You should be mature enough to raise a child, it takes a village to raise them. This is especially true for a single mom. I have moments where I falter between excitement and fear. So, here’s how I coped and am still surviving in this vital new role of my life. This is my story. […]