What Every Parent Should Know About Teen Dating Violence and Their Child

1 in 3 high school relationships involve dating violence. As a parent you may think you’d know, right?

know teen violence

1 in 3 high school relationships involve dating violence. As a parent you may think you’d
know, right?

In a world of “Momo Challenges”, social media access and on-line access to your kids it’s even more important for parents to be active in their kids lives.
Dating violence in teens is not a small portion of the teen populations, yet many parents remain unaware or misinformed by the facts. Did you know that over 80% of parents either don’t know if teen dating violence is a concern or believe that it is not an issue or that it can’t happen to their son or daughter?
In this article I will help you understand what teen dating violence is, the warning signs to watch out for and what you can do as a parent to help your teen if they are unfortunately dealing with this.
Most parents all think “I would know” if my child is being abused by their boyfriend or girlfriend, right? Sadly, No. As a parent you may be the last to know. According to National Dating Violence Hotline 1 in 3 high school relationships involve some sort of physical, emotional or sexual abuse. [1 in 3…. are those odds you are willing to overlook when it comes to your son
or daughter?]
As a parent you may be asking yourself a lot of questions right about now. I get it.
What is teen dating violence anyway? TDV is a variety of behaviors used to have control and power over the victim. TDV usually follows a cycle including: tension building phase, explosive phase, and honeymoon phase. Dating violence can consist of physical, verbal, emotional, psychological and digital or cyber abuse.
Step inside and learn the facts about TDV that could help you educate
and save YOUR son or daughter from being a victim of dating violence.
If you would like more information about TDV go to our website at: www.speakoutgetoutstayout.com, or you can contact the National Teen Dating Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233

About Gina - DV Support 2 Articles
I help people save themselves. I help women and men find their strength and courage to leave abusive relationship. I help turn abuse victims into survivors and survivors into thrivers. I am a survivor and thriver of 27 years of domestic abuse. First as a child living in a household infected with violence and then a victim of two abusive marriages. I changed my pain into purpose and my abuse into abundance. I now advocate for abuse victims, educate and speak to help bring abuse into the light and help people save themselves and their children from abuse. I'm here to support the members of Busy-Mom.com