The power of the number 3

The Power of Three

June 29, 2020 Ginger Marks 1

There is power in numbers. Whether you believe it or not, numbers play a significant role in our lives. The number three goes back to the very beginning of time; all the way back to the Triune Godhead […]

Business Moms

Mompreneur: Leading By Example

March 1, 2019 Lauren Cohen Esq 2

In my experience as a single mother, as well as a small business owner and entrepreneur – or as I like to call myself, a mompreneur – I have found that owning and operating a business is a lot like raising a
child: it takes patience and persistence, as well as love and dedication, and my job is never done. […]

Business Moms

Mommy Time

October 2, 2018 Ginger Marks 0

Running a business can be challenging enough, but when you are a mom it doubles—no triples the whole affair. So how can mompreneurs survive? Let’s look at one of the most important things you absolutely must do to keep your sanity and your business intact. Setting boundaries. […]