What is physical abuse?

Sylvia's October article

Physical abuse: Everything you did not know

I used to think that if your partner punches you with a closed fist and you get a bruise or swelling then that is called physical abuse. Little did I know that there are different types of physical abuses.

In this article I will list down all types of physical abuses and hopefully educate and make victims aware that they are indeed being physically abused by their partner. I believe that if you don’t know, you don’t know.



1.  Any kind of attack- hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, hair pulling, biting or pushing.

2.  Cruel treatment

3.  Scalding and burning

4.  Inappropriate or unlawful use of restraint 

5.  Causing someone to feel out of place

6.  Stopping partner from leaving the house-house arrest

7.  Misuse of medication (overdosing/ administering unprescribed or banned drugs/ feeding toxic or expired medicines)



According to Reach Out.com  (au.reachout.com/articles/what-is-physical-abuse) violence starts slowly then creeps up on you where it becomes frequent and intense.

You Made Me Hit You

This is a very common statement from abusers. They always justify why they did whatever they did to you. I remember my abuser telling me that if I had not spoken to his male coworkers, he wouldn’t have beaten me up. I believed him, and blamed myself for talking to his coworkers, considering that I knew that he didn’t want me to speak to males.  Sometimes abusers blame it on alcohol or situations beyond their control causing them to get stressed. It is never something they did or caused.


It’s sad that most victims actually dismiss some of the types of physical abuse above. The most popular types that get dismissed are pulling hair, spitting in your face and embarrassing someone in front of people. Victims think it’s not so bad because there is no black eye or busted lip involved. 

I Am Sorry 

Abusers love to tell victims how sorry they are, and give empty promises such as, “This will never happen again”. The apologies make it harder for a victim to leave because it opens up a hope that the abuser might probably change.



Don’t believe what the abuser is saying to you, he didn’t beat you because of what you did or said, it’s not your fault, it’s his.

Please get help, you are not alone.

About Sylvia Cooper 3 Articles
Sylvia Cooper is a Registered Nurse, Speaker, Author and a certified sexual assault advocate and trained to provide direct services to domestic violence victims and their children. As a domestic violence survivor herself, women empowerment is her passion. Through sharing her experiences with domestic violence, she inspires, encourage and empower women like her ignite that thing in them that says if she did it, I can do it too. Her story has helped victims gain courage to walk away from abuse.